Oriella Page

My great love for peony has been with me since I was child and fate carefully chooses the symbols that accompany us throughout our lives.

"I used to love playing the esthetician: creating blends, using the precious samples my Mom gave me... So my first institute was born, in a shoe box, Mrs. the Star ".
Nothing is by chance, in the LaPage logo you will find a star that represents the light, our brightness as well as the writing that you find in the logo"Your Inner Glow".

The experiences of all these years in the world of aesthetics and personal experiences led me to become the woman I am today, which gave birth to LaPage cosmetics, a perfect wetsuit of deep values, absolute tolerance towards all beauty and gender, accept it without judgment, Loving each other deeply as you are, clean formulations with a strong conviction to use preservatives without endocrine disruptors.

Welcome to the world of LaPage, LaPage's values and philosophy will resonate in your mind, and you will enjoy them.
You will love it like us!

Your Oriella

The co-founders

To trust someone and therefore to embark on an adventure with third parties is to put your heart into it and when there are feelings between the two, a link is created, a mutual link made of respect and loyalness.

Galeotto summer the meeting between Oriella and Laititia to achieve a permanent make-up of the eyebrows. Who would have thought that a date would be born a friendship and, thread the years, a collaboration that led to the creation of the LaPage cosmetics line.

Luca Sergi's ten-year experience in Franchise and Management for Laititia Erard accompanied Oriella Page in the idea of giving life to this brand. Only by uning our strengths, by showing discipline and discipline, creativity and imagination, has it summer possible to transform the LaPage project into a company capable of offering extraordinary products.

Three partners, three different personalities, three different backgrounds who made this vision a reality set.

Our mission

Our mission is to use onlyNatural ingredients, clean, cruelessly animals, vegan and preservatives free with endocrine disruptors, for healthy-looking skin as it is treated with ingredients that protect and maintain the skin microbiotHealthy.

People inspire and motivate us to act: pendant too long, the world of skin care has summer defined by overstated promises and questionable chemicals.

Another key point of our line is to democratizes luxury cosmetics by offering quality products on the market at a price accessible to tous.

We are basing our work on passion and innovation. On the strength and development of our skills, on the value of the person.


It is important for us to build a reality that has solid values.

At LaPage, we believe in:


All our products do not disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system and do not cause harmful effects on the health of an organism or its offspring.


Promoting global beauty. We must live in our bodies forever, loving ourselves as we are and accepting ourselves is fundamental to us; our skin also reflects our health, so taking care of it also helps us to feel good.


We have created a natural, clean, vegan and untested product on the animals.


The peony symbolizes love, affection and prosperity since ancient times; it is also a symbol of honor, value and nobility of spirit. When it blooms, the plant is a symbol of peace.

Also considered the plant of immortality and this characteristic is expressed in a certain sense through its anti-aging cosmetic properties.

Indeed, the peony root extract activates mitophagy (a cellular event of autophagy that leads to the selective degradation of mitochondria, discovered by the 2016 Nobel Prize for Medicine Yosharori Ohio).
The mitochondria are the "energy powerplants" of the cell; they are organelles charged with producing the energy needed for many cellular functions.

As they age, they also age: they produce less ATP (energy), while the production of ROS (free radicals) increases.

One of the main causes of skin and cell aging is mitochondrial aging.

The mitophagy is triggered when certain mitochondria become defective following cell damage or oxidative stress, thus reducing the symptoms of aging by eliminating mitochondria that is no plus capable of generating energy.

Peoniflorin neutralizes cell damage to the mitochondrial level caused by toxins.

Thanks to the active ingredient pivoineflorin, skin cells can remove and recycourse old and damaged mitochondrial material, restoring the energy potential of cells. The consequence is an improvement in the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles, roughness and irregular complexion, for visibly plus young, plus skinBright and plus farm.
Peony root extracts also help inThe synthesis of the collagenAnd stimulate the production of dermal papilla resulting in plus smooth skinAnd plus farm.
The addition of polyphenols within the Pivoine extract also has a revitalizing action that reflects aFaceResolutely plus bright.
Peony root is used to help skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis due to its important propertiesAnti-inflammatory.
The peony is also useful forReduce the appearance of stains(Skin dyschromia), helping to reduce melanin production, thereby reducing hyperpigmentation problems.
Another advantage is the presence of antimicrobial properties that prevent bad bacteria from multiplying and causing infections, thereby helping aGood microbiote. Overall, the peony root is a great addition to any skin care diet.
Reduction of oxidative stressIs optimal for activityAnti-pollution, In high demand in recent years, protecting the skin from urban pollution.


Environmental conditions, but especially our way of life, can modify the ecosystem and the essential relationship between the microbiot and the skin itself, thus slowing down the processes of renewal or promoting the loss of structure and elasticity.

However, knowing that the microbiote of our skin isAs unique as DNA, That it is an integral part of us and that its balance is essential to the beauty and healthy appearance of our skin, can help us to do everything possible to protect it. For the best.

Why is the microbiote important?

At least for three reasons which are also the essential roles he fulfills:

It's a protective shield

It defends the skin of pathogenic bacteria and aggressions of external agents while release antioxidant proteins.

It has a regulatory effect

It exacts a key action in the control and modulation of skin inflammation, so in the prevention of problems of all kinds, from redness to aging and imperfections.

Acts as a repair man

Strengthen the skin barrier, exercising a kind of "immunizing action" against the risks of environmental or other aggressions and helping to remedy the damage plus quickly and plus effectively.

However, all on one condition:

That the microbiote is in perfect balance.

It is a gift that we receive at birth, with our DNA, that changes and evolves throughout our lives.

That is why it is essential to protect it.

Like, how? With LaPage products.


Since the lineLaPageSummer created on personal experiences, experiences and on innovation, it was essential for us to create it with clean ingredients, innovative functional substances and especially in the absence ofEndocrine disruptors . That is to say, exogenous substances or mixtures frequently present in the preservatives of the compositions of cosmetic formulations.

Some studiesEvoke toxic effects on the blood, the liver and have effects on hormones and fertility.

Endocrine disruptors can affect theHormonal systemIn different ways. Like natural hormones, some of these substances can bind directly to a hormonal receptor, causing or, on the contrary, blocking the effect of the corresponding hormone. They can also intervene on the synthesis and elimination ofHormonesAs well as on their transport in the body.

That's whyTous LaPage productsHave no contraindications. On the contrary, thanks to the complexes of functional substances with which they act, LaPage products reduce the stateInflammatoryCreated by internal and external factors.

Scientific sources

ANSM-Phenoxyethanol concentration in cosmetic products Information point 2
ANSM-Phenoxyethanol concentration in cosmetic product Information point
ANSM-Cosmetic product does not contain phenoxyethanol and does not use it in children 3 years of age or under Information point
PubMed PMID : 20815317 - Núñez Orjales R, Carballas Vázquez C, Carballada González F, Boquete Paris M. Urticaire de contact et anaphylaxie induits par le phénoxyéthanol. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2010;20(4):354-5